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JS Firearms Sales & Accessories, LLC
Small Business Owned and Operated by a Retired Veteran and a Minority Female
We are here to service all of your firearm needs. Check out our online shop. If you don't see what you want, we can order for you.
Ammo Sales & Local Delivery

Call/Text/Email for Ammunition (Ammo) availability. State Exact Quantity. Mixed Ammo Calibers and Brands are accepted. Please provide a complete address, email, and phone number when requesting this service.
We deliver Bulk Ammo in Arizona to Zip Codes 85254, 85032, 85050 on Saturday each week (excluding holidays).
Pre Payment by card is required.
The cost is $6.00 for Delivery; Cost of the Ammo; and Card Processing Fee of 3%. If undeliverable, a second delivery fee of $10.00 will be charged.
Note: There are no refunds or exchanges. All sales are final.
Contact us for Ammunition (Ammo) availability.
Please state exact quantity and calibers desired.
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